At Farm Animal Refuge, we’ve made it our mission to create a safe and secure sanctuary for animals to live out their natural lives to be loved and cared for.
We are excited to share that Farm Animal Refuge is ready to grow our facilities to care for 10 more goats and sheep. To make this dream a reality, we need you and your network’s help so we can build a barn to safely and responsibly take care of these beautiful animals This additional barn will not just give the animals a new home, but most importantly, it will provide them with overnight shelter and protection from the local wildlife that endangers them.
In addition to helping us rescue more animals in need of a safe and loving home, this expansion will allow us to provide more field trips, educational tours, and public open houses to advocate for all animals. This structure will give us the much-needed room for another group of animals whose rescue stories will be heard and shared. If each of these animals impact just one person’s food choices, two thousand animals lives will be saved each year, for decades!
As a result of our last fundraiser to expand the farm we were able to save the lives of seven goats and five sheep. So we turn to you to be heroes again and help us save more innocent animals from a life of abuse, neglect, and slaughter. Please consider donating to our growth and making a lasting impact on the animals we will save and the future generation of animal advocates who will help carry out our mission.
Thank you so much!
Help UsSave a Lifein 2019.
Please Support Our Cause
Note: All donnors with donations of $100 or above will be recoginsed as OFFICIAL SUPPORTERS!